๐ฅข Extended Library Interface Documentation#
Click the list on the left to view each interface. To search, use F5 to search.
- ads1115 - ads1115 analog-to-digital converter
- ads1115plus - ADS1115 Drive
- adxl34x - adxl34x 3 Axis accelerometer currently supports adxl345 adxl346
- aht10 - aht10 Temperature and humidity sensor
- air153C_wtd - Add software watchdog function to prevent crashes
- airlbs - airlbs Location services (fee-based services, you need to contact the sales application)
- ak8963 - ak8963 geomagnetic sensor
- aliyun - AliYun Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform
- am2320 - am2320 Temperature and humidity sensor
- ap3216c - ap3216c Light sensor
- bh1750 - bh1750 Digital light intensity sensor
- bmx - bmx The air pressure sensor currently supports bmp180 bmp280 bme280 bme680 will automatically judge the device
- cht8305c - cht8305c Temperature and humidity sensor
- ds3231 - ds3231 Real Time Clock Sensor
- ec11 - ec11 Rotary encoder
- gt911 - gt911 Drive
- gy53l1 - gy53l1 laser ranging sensor
- httpdns - Domain name resolution using Http
- httpplus - http Supplement to the library
- ina226 - ina226 Drive
- iotcloud - iotcloud Cloud platform library (supported: tengxun cloud ariyun onenet huawei cloud graffiti cloud baidu cloud tlink cloud others will also support, and the useful issue will accelerate support )
- l3g4200d - l3g4200d Three-Axis Digital Gyroscope Sensor
- lbsLoc - lbsLoc Sending Base Station Location Request
- lbsLoc2 - base station positioning v2
- libfota - libfota fota Upgrade
- libfota2 - fota Upgrade v2
- libnet - libnet synchronous blocking api based on the socket library, the socket library itself is asynchronous non-blocking api
- lis2dh12 - lis2dh12 Three-axis sensor
- lm75 - lm75 Temperature Sensor Support lm75a lm75b
- max31856 - max31856 Thermocouple temperature detection
- mcp2515 - mcp2515 CAN Protocol Controller Driver
- mlx90614 - mlx90614 infrared temperature
- mpu6xxx - mpu6xxx Six-axis/nine-axis sensor support mpu6500,mpu6050,mpu9250,icm2068g,icm20608d
- necir - necir NEC protocol infrared receiving
- netLed - netLed Network status indicator
- pca9685 - pca9685 16 Road PWM drive steering gear
- pcf8563t - pcf8563t Clock Module
- pcf8574 - pcf8574 IO Extension
- qmc5883l - qmc5883l geomagnetic sensor
- rc522 - rc522 Non-contact read/write card driver
- rc522.set_bit_mask(address, value)
- rc522.read_rawrc(address)
- rc522.set_bit_mask(address, mask)
- rc522.clear_bit_mask(address, mask)
- rc522.command(command,data)
- rc522.anticoll(id)
- calculate_crc(data)
- authstate(mode, addr,key,uid )
- rc522.write(addr, data)
- rc522.read(addr)
- rc522.version()
- rc522.halt()
- rc522.reset()
- rc522.antenna_on()
- rc522.antenna_on()
- rc522_config_isotype()
- rc522.request(req_code)
- rc522.select(id)
- rc522.write_datablock(addr,data)
- rc522.read_datablock(addr)
- rc522.init(spi_id, cs, rst)
- rtkv - Remote KV Database
- sc7a20 - sc7a20
- shift595 - shift595 74HC595 Chip
- si24r1 - si24r1 Drive
- spl06 - spl06_01 Air pressure sensor
- tcs3472 - tcs3472 Color Sensor
- tm1637 - tm1637 Digital tube
- tm1640 - tm1640 Digital tube and LED driver chip
- tm1650 - tm1650 Digital tube and key scanning chip
- tsl2561 - tsl2561 light intensity sensor
- udpsrv - UDP Server
- vl6180 - VL6180 laser ranging sensor
- xmodem - xmodem Drive
- ze08g_ch2o - ZE08G-CH2O electrochemical formaldehyde module
- zh07 - ZH07 Laser Dust Sensor