nimble - Bluetooth BLE library (nimble version)#
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This library has its own demo,click this link to view nimble’s demo example
-- This library currently supports Air101/Air103/ESP32/ESP32C3/ESP32S3
-- Please refer to demo for usage. API functions will be attributed to the specified mode.
-- Name explanation:
-- peripheral Peripheral mode, or become slave mode, is the connected device
-- central Central mode, or become host mode, is to scan and connect other devices
-- ibeacon Periodic beacon broadcasts
-- UUID The services (service) and features (characteristic) of the device will be identified by UUID and support 2 bytes/4 bytes/16 bytes, usually with a shortened version of 2 bytes
-- chr The service (service) of a device consists of multiple characteristics (characteristic), abbreviated chr
-- characteristic A feature consists of a UUID and flags, where the UUID is used as an identifier and the flags represent the functions that the feature can support.
constant |
type |
explanation |
nimble.CHR_F_WRITE |
number |
chr FLAGS value, writable, and requires a response |
nimble.CHR_F_READ |
number |
chr FLAGS value of, readable |
number |
chr FLAGS value, writable, no response required |
nimble.CHR_F_NOTIFY |
number |
chr The FLAGS value can be subscribed to and does not require a reply. |
number |
chr The FLAGS value of can be subscribed to and needs to be replied. |
number |
UUID The size of the conversion, used in combination with the config function, default 0, optional 0/1 |
Initialize BLE context and start external broadcasting/scanning
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Bluetooth device name, optional, recommended to fill in |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Success or not |
-- Reference demo/nimble
-- This function works for all modes
Close BLE context
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Success or not |
-- Only some devices support, may not be currently supported
-- This function works for all modes
Set Mode
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
Mode, default server/peripheral, optional client/central mode nimble.MODE_BLE_CLIENT |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Success or not |
-- Reference demo/nimble
-- must be called before nimble.init()
-- nimble.mode(nimble.MODE_BLE_CLIENT) -- Short for slave mode, not perfect
Whether the connection has been established
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Connected returns true, otherwise false |
Examples"ble", "connected?", nimble.connok())
-- slave peripheral mode, whether the device has been connected
-- Host central mode, is connected to the device
-- ibeacon Pattern, meaningless
nimble.send_msg(conn, handle, data)#
Send message
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
connection id, currently fixed 1 |
int |
processing id, currently fixed 0 |
string |
Data string, which can contain invisible characters |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Success or not |
-- Reference demo/nimble
-- This function is applicable to peripheral/slave mode
nimble.setUUID(tp, addr)#
Set the server/peripheral UUID
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Configuration string, which is illustrated in the following example |
string |
address string |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Success or not |
-- Refer to demo/nimble, firmware compiled after 2023-02-25 supports this API
-- must be called before nimble.init()
-- This function is applicable to peripheral/slave mode
-- Set UUID in SERVER/Peripheral mode, support setting 3
-- Address supports 2/4/16 bytes, binary data required
-- 2 Byte address example: AABB, write string.fromHex("AABB"), or string.char(0xAA, 0xBB)
-- 4 Byte address example: AABBCCDD, write string.fromHex("AABBCCDD"), or string.char(0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD)
nimble.setUUID("srv", string.fromHex("380D")) -- Service Primary UUID, default value 180D
nimble.setUUID("write", string.fromHex("FF31")) -- The UUID of data written to the device. Default value FFF1
nimble.setUUID("indicate", string.fromHex("FF32")) -- The UUID of the data subscribed to this device. Default value FFF2
Get Bluetooth MAC
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
The MAC address to be set, 6 bytes, is obtained only if it is not transmitted. |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
string |
Bluetooth MAC address, 6 bytes |
-- Refer to demo/nimble, firmware compiled after 2023-02-25 supports this API
-- This function works for all modes
local mac = nimble.mac()"ble", "mac", mac and mac:toHex() or "Unknwn")
-- Modify MAC address, 2024.06.05 new, currently only Air601 supports, restart after modification takes effect
nimble.sendNotify(srv_uuid, chr_uuid, data)#
Send notify
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
UUID of the service, reserved, just fill in nil |
string |
UUID of the feature, which must be filled in |
string |
Data, required, related to MTU size, generally no more than 256 bytes |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Returns true on success, otherwise false |
-- This API was added on July 31, 2023.07.31
-- This function is applicable to peripheral mode
nimble.sendNotify(nil, string.fromHex("FF01"), string.char(0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35))
nimble.sendIndicate(srv_uuid, chr_uuid, data)#
Send indicate
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
UUID of the service, reserved, just fill in nil |
string |
UUID of the feature, which must be filled in |
string |
Data, required, related to MTU size, generally no more than 256 bytes |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Returns true on success, otherwise false |
-- This API was added on July 31, 2023.07.31
-- This function is applicable to peripheral mode
nimble.sendIndicate(nil, string.fromHex("FF01"), string.char(0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35))
nimble.advParams(conn_mode, disc_mode, itvl_min, itvl_max, channel_map, filter_policy, high_duty_cycle)#
Set broadcast parameters
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
Broadcast mode, 0-no connection, 1-directed connection, 2-undirected connection, default 0 |
int |
Discovery mode, 0-undiscoverable, 1-restricted discovery, 3-universal discovery, default 0 |
int |
Minimum broadcast interval, 0-use default, range 1 - 65535, unit 0.625ms, default 0 |
int |
Maximum broadcast interval, 0-use default, range 1 - 65535, unit 0.625ms, default 0 |
int |
Broadcast channel, default 0, generally do not need to set |
int |
Filter rule, default 0, generally do not need to set |
int |
When the broadcast mode is “directional connection”, whether to use high duty cycle mode, default 0, optional 1 |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
nil |
No return value |
-- Only ibeacon mode/peripheral/slave is currently available
-- For example, setting non-connectible limit discovery
-- Needs to be set up before nimble.init
nimble.advParams(0, 1)
-- Note that in peripheral mode, the automatic configuration conn_mode and disc_mode
nimble.setChr(index, uuid, flags)#
set the characteristics of chr
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
chr The index of, the default 0-3 |
int |
chr UUID, can be 2/4/16 bytes |
int |
chr FLAGS, please refer to the constant table |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
nil |
No return value |
-- peripheral/slave only
nimble.setChr(0, string.fromHex("FF01"), nimble.CHR_F_WRITE_NO_RSP | nimble.CHR_F_NOTIFY)
nimble.setChr(1, string.fromHex("FF02"), nimble.CHR_F_READ | nimble.CHR_F_NOTIFY)
nimble.setChr(2, string.fromHex("FF03"), nimble.CHR_F_WRITE_NO_RSP)
-- Available demo/nimble/kt6368a
nimble.config(id, value)#
set the characteristics of chr
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
the configured id, please refer to the constant table |
any |
Depending on the configuration, there are different optional values |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
nil |
No return value |
-- This function is available in any mode
-- This API was added on July 31, 2023.07.31
-- For example, set the size of the address conversion end, the default is 0, compatible with the old code
-- Set to 1, the service UUID and chr UUID are more intuitive.
nimble.config(nimble.CFG_ADDR_ORDER, 1)
nimble.ibeacon(data, major, minor, measured_power)#
Configure iBeacon parameters, only iBeacon mode available
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Data, must be 16 bytes |
int |
Major version number, default 2, optional, range 0 ~ 65536 |
int |
minor version number, default 10, optional, range 0 ~ 65536 |
int |
Nominal power, default 0, range -126 20 |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Returns true on success, otherwise false |
-- Refer to demo/nimble, firmware compiled after 2023-02-25 supports this API
-- This function is applicable to ibeacon mode
nimble.ibeacon(data, 2, 10, 0)
nimble.advData(data, flags)#
Configure broadcast data, only iBeacon mode is available
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Broadcast data, currently up to 128 bytes |
int |
Broadcast identification, optional, default value is 0x 06, that is, traditional Bluetooth (0x 04) common discovery mode is not supported(0x02) |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Returns true on success, otherwise false |
-- Refer to demo/nimble/adv_free, firmware compiled after 2023-03-18 supports this API
-- This function is applicable to ibeacon mode
-- Data sources can be varied
local data = string.fromHex("123487651234876512348765123487651234876512348765")
-- local data = crypto.trng(25)
-- local data = string.char(0x11, 0x13, 0xA3, 0x5A, 0x11, 0x13, 0xA3, 0x5A, 0x11, 0x13, 0xA3, 0x5A, 0x11, 0x13, 0xA3, 0x5A)
-- nimble Support to call again at any time after init to achieve data update
-- For example, once a minute.
while 1 do
local data = crypto.trng(25)
Scan slave
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
int |
Timeout, in seconds, 28 seconds by default |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Start scan successfully or not |
-- Reference demo/nimble/scan
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- This function returns directly and then returns the result via an asynchronous callback
-- Before calling this function, you need to make sure that you have nimble.init()
-- timeout Parameter added on 2023.7.11
Connect to slave
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
MAC address of the device |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
bool |
Start connection successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- This function returns directly and then returns the result via an asynchronous callback
Disconnect from the slave
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
nil |
No return value |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- This function returns directly
List of services for scanning slave
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
nil |
No return value |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- This function returns directly and then returns the result asynchronously
-- This API usually does not need to be called, and will be called once after the connection to the slave is completed.
Obtain the service list of the slave.
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
table |
Array of service UUIDs |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
Characteristic value of the specified service of the scanning slave
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Scan started successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
Obtain the feature value list of the specified service of the slave.
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
table |
A list of characteristic values, containing the UUID and flags |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
nimble.discDsc(svr_uuid, chr_uuid)#
Scan other properties of the characteristic value of the specified service of the slave.
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
string |
The UUID value of the eigenvalue |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Scan started successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
nimble.writeChr(svr_uuid, chr_uuid, data)#
Writes data to the specified feature value of the specified service.
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the feature value |
string |
Data to be written |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Write started successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
nimble.readChr(svr_uuid, chr_uuid)#
Read data from the specified feature value of the specified service (asynchronous)
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the feature value |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Write started successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- Detailed Usage Please Parameters demo/nimble/central
nimble.subChr(svr_uuid, chr_uuid)#
Subscribe to the specified characteristic value of the specified service
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the feature value |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Subscription started successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- Detailed Usage Please Parameters demo/nimble/central
nimble.unsubChr(svr_uuid, chr_uuid)#
Unsubscribe from the specified feature value of the specified service
Incoming Value Type |
Explanation |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the service |
string |
Specifies the UUID value of the feature value |
Return Value
return value type |
explanation |
boolean |
Start unsubscribe successfully or not |
-- This function is available for central/host mode
-- Detailed Usage Please Parameters demo/nimble/central