pin - Pin Naming Map#

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-- This library is to solve the mapping problem of PIN pin naming in text form and GPIO number.
-- In function implementation, pin.PA01 corresponds to the value 1, representing GPIO 1, which corresponds to the silk screen PA01

-- PA12, GPIO12, set to output, and low.
gpio.setup(12, 0)
gpio.setup(pin.PA12, 0) -- recommend use
gpio.setup(pin.get("PA12"), 0) -- Not recommended, too long^_^

-- Only some BSPs have this library, but the ESP series does not have this library.
-- This library is meaningful on Air101/Air103/Air105, but it is not necessary to use this library. Writing GPIO number directly has the same effect.
-- In ESP32 series, EC618 series (Air780E, etc.), GPIO numbers are given directly, there is no "Pxxx" form, so this library does not exist


Obtain the GPIO number corresponding to the pin, which can be abbreviated as pin.PA01, recommend using the abbreviation


Incoming Value Type



The name of the pin, for example PA01, PB12

Return Value

return value type



The corresponding GPIO number. If it does not exist, return -1 and print a warning message.


-- The following three statements are completely equivalent. If you are prompted that the pin library does not exist, or the firmware version is low, please upgrade the underlying firmware, or you do not need this library.
-- PA12, GPIO12, set to output, and low.
gpio.setup(12, 0)
gpio.setup(pin.PA12, 0) -- recommend use
gpio.setup(pin.get("PA12"), 0) -- Not recommended, too long^_^