EC618 Series Firmware Release Notes#
Fully automatic compilation of the latest firmware through Cloud Compile
add: Support setting the maximum transmit power, only special customers use
add: Support to turn off adjacent cell measurement for power consumption test, do not use it in non-power consumption test
add: Get more detailed cell information, support mobile.scell() function
add: Add Lock Cell Function mobile.lockCell()
add: mqtt Add pong message to report
add: Custom apn list, used to switch multiple known overseas cards, requires users to provide relevant APN information
add: Print a list of custom APNs
update: Update ant chain underlying library
update: Update Qualcomm Font Static Library
update: Optimize download speed control for full ota and optimize https download
update: SDK Base line in V013P1.11
update: SDK Base line in V013P2.11
update: Optimized Low Power Mode
update: luatos socket The port numbers are distributed more evenly.
update: tonumber can be output 0xffffffff
change: pb The encoding should use a fixed order
change: http Part of the error status is forced to print out.
fix: i2c In poll mode, special hardware conditions encounter BUSY situation without timeout exit
fix: eink When asynchronous communication fails, crash
fix: iotcloud library, onenet automatically registers triples to generate exceptions
fix: UTF8 The text message entered by the code is less than 70 Chinese characters.
fix: libgnss.debug When gnss message is too long, it cannot be printed out
Defect repair
1:crash after waking up from hib mode
Defect repair
1:The software serial port is close before it is completely sent, and an exception occurs.
2:spi table Method sending exception
3:libgnss.clear Residual data not cleaned up
4:gnss After the positioning is successful, execute libgnss.clear, close and then open the gnss chip. if the positioning is successful as soon as the power is turned on, there is no GNSS_STATE message.
5:mqtt After enabled, the memory usage is too large, causing other business logic to not apply for available memory.
6:http Response header is subcontracted, resulting in parsing failure
7:Fix FTP accepting a small amount of data in PASV mode may prompt failure
New Features
add:mqtt Add the ability to set the receive buffer size
add:fatfs Uninstall function
add:mcu.hardfault Added crash processing mode parameters
Update function
update:Limit the maximum amount of read read at a time, read too much data at one time, easy to crash
update:The released socket ctrl does not allow other operations to prevent abnormal crashes.
update:Compatible with some FTP servers
update:RRC Optimization options for quick release
Compatibility changes:
1:tts_onchip Turn off support for websocket and ftp clients under
2:tts_onchip Lower Close ftp
3:Due to insufficient space, subsequent versions to be tts_onchip can be compiled on the cloud or locally. This version will not be updated.
Defect repair
1:Prevent possible time setting errors
2:luatos The size of the luadb partition read by the firmware is incorrect.
3:wait485 When, the 485 turned to io control timer did not stop, resulting in data reception problems.
4:When pwm is not closed and the cycle and duty cycle are changed, it may crash.
5:485 I can’t use the reversing foot.GPIO14、GPIO15
6:The software serial port cannot use timer1 and timer4
7:OTA When the underlying data is written but the script data is not completed, the upgrade is not allowed.
8:uart485 Unable to use ALT4 GPIO18 and GPIO19
9:socket Callback message error on active shutdown
10:Mold into the original patch
11:mqtt When sending, the data is sent out at one time to avoid being interrupted.
12:mqttconnect Unable to connect to server when message length exceeds 256
13:ftp abnormal crash
14:socket Add protection to prevent freed resources from being used again
New Features
add:Reset stack parameters to default
add:Base station synchronous time switch
add:Deep Sleep Timer Callback Message
add:Retains the level set before sleep during deep sleep wake-up
add:w5500 Add DHCP Timeout Message
add:DHCP Increased retries for slow routers
add:socket Query the current connection status
add:http Custom header supports custom size
add:sfud mutex protection
Update function
update:When an unparsed NMEA statement is encountered, the mask prints
Compatibility changes:
1:tts_onchip Lower Close YMODEM 2:tts_onchip Close REPL 3:Adjust the floating-point number format of json.encode to%.7f, which is more in line with practical use, otherwise it will eat floating-point precision.
Defect repair:
fix: Join the original patch to repair SWD CP IO will crash when encountering abnormal signals, and repair the vulnerability of pseudo base station protection.
fix: socket.rx When receiving data, if zbuff expansion fails, first try to reduce the receiving length, if there is no space, only an error can be returned.
fix: u8g2.CopyBuff Not working properly, the reason is that there is an error in judging the length of zbuff
fix: ftp login crash after failure
fix: socket.sntp Using a custom domain name will report an error crash.
fix:luatos i2s Recording cannot be configured frame size
fix:Fix luatos firmware enable tts times luat_sfud cannot link
fix:websocket Heartbeat packet not sent out normally
fix:When the cloud compiled luatos firmware chooses to disable DTLS, the mbedtls_ssl_conf_handshake_timeout function will be reported as not existing.
fix:Unable to validate pin code
New Features:
add: sfud Support to obtain flash capacity and page information
add: adc Partial pressure range Add maximum limit
add: pm.dtimerCheck Add Remaining Time
add: http Support big data upload
add: pseudo base station masking time
add: u8g2 Support for configuring x-axis offset
add: libgnss.getIntLocation Add Speed Parameter Item
add: errdump Support for custom domain names and ports
add: crypto.crc16_modbus Support to set the initial value, convenient for multi-segment data continuous calculation
add: Added u8g2.SetPowerSave function
add: pcf8563t Clock module driver and demo
add: luatos Compilation of the xxtea library added to the firmware
add: luatos Add Ant Chain integration
add: luatos Firmware add ercoap library
add: ntp-based millisecond timestamp socket.ntptm()
Update function:
update: libgnss.casic_aid Compatible with the string coordinate value returned by base station positioning.
update:remove the 4096 limit of mqtt receiving a single packet
update: u8g2 Add a driver ssd1309 i2c mode, previously only SPI
update:Optimizing the dhcp process for the w5500
update:luatos Firmware I2C uses poll mode by default
update:luatos Supplemental I2S mono case, left and right channel selection
update:luatos uart too many received messages are not allowed to prevent a large number of uart received messages from freezing under abnormal conditions
update:adc Maximum limit of partial pressure range
This version has been released on 2023.11.15, and the corresponding git tag is v1108.ec618.release
Compatibility changes:
Correct the unit of CPU temperature
Impact, the previous version returned CPU temperature is degrees Celsius, other BSP are 1/1000 degrees Celsius
Solution: The new data’ //1000 ‘will get the original data value
Defect repair:
fix: **socket close When the new data flag is not cleared * *, SSL has a probability of continuous reconnection failure.
fix: **mqtt In some cases of the library, buffer_offset reconnect is not set to zero * *, MQTT has a probability of continuous reconnect failure.
fix: **mqtt Heartbeat timer count error **causes mqtt heartbeat may not be emitted
fix: CPU The unit of temperature should be 1/1000 degrees Celsius, which is wrong.
fix: **Rewrite the sntp function and support automatic timeout. **In a weak network, sntp may run out of socket connections.
fix: Inform the original patch to fix a crash caused by searching for base stations.
fix: mqtt The library should close when sending the package to report an error.socket
fix: lvgl Repeated creation of style will crash
fix: fatfs The lsdir cannot scan the folder.
fix: RTC library compatible mon attribute
fix: AES-128-ECB And PKCS7, decryption error data cannot be returned
fix: Fix iotcloud library onenet partial data truncation problem
fix: Fix ymodem path string with no 0 at the end
fix: 64bit For luatos firmware, printing print(-1) will output a large value.
fix: 780E w5500 sntp crash
fix: ftp Starting the background thread should judge whether it is successful or not, and the failure process should be followed if the creation fails.
fix: errDump The open parameter of the manual read file is incorrect.
fix: libgnss.getIntLocation The speed value is abnormal.
fix: sim The number of times the card is erased is not counted correctly.
fix: 64bit The callback message that the audio playing in the audio library under the firmware does not end playing..
fix: Fix the problem that socket cannot be reconnected when it cannot be connected.
fix: vfs_fatfs Capacity calculation error in
fix: i2c.createSoft In the Air780E V1107 firmware will report an error, just fill in the delay value
fix: http The closing logic of the library is incomplete and the compilation warning is cleared.
fix: When the DNS procedure is in progress, the call network_force_close_socket and the connection is no longer in progress, the DNS completion still calls back
fix: crypto.totp Function has a memory leak
fix: gmssl library’s sm4 encryption mode error
fix: libemqtt All large arrays in are changed to heap allocation.
fix: Fix partial characters lost when iconv library converts long data
fix: http attributes related to the library tls certificate are not forcibly initialized to 0, and illegal values may appear.
fix: fonts library does not enumerate new sarasa fonts correctly
fix: ssl When sending large amounts of data, you need to send them in batches.
fix: adc The acquisition tag is not updated, resulting in the acquisition of the adc value may be the last
fix: TTS Firmware crashes when SPI FLASH is not successfully mounted
fix: tts Unable to select while playing i2s1
fix: The sarasa English font compiled by the cloud does not take effect.
fix: adc The internal partial pressure mode is not completely turned off when it is selected to turn off the internal partial pressure mode.
Features added and updated:
add: iotcloud Library supports graffiti/Baiduyun
add: ftp add data port to return intranet ip compatibility
add: Support to obtain hardware version number
add: fskv library to add the sett function
add: Add fastlz compression library
add: Pour back the json.null property
add: crypto library adds streaming hash interface
add: sntp Add Adapter Options
add: Add u8g2.DrawButtonUTF8
add: mobile Add SIM card write statistics API
add: lcd The library supports off-screen coordinates for drawing, such as the part of the picture outside the screen.
add: mqtt Add error return parameter
add: lcd Add Qualcomm font gbk interface
add: mqtt Add Status Acquisition Interface
add: sms.send The new auto_phone_fix can disable the automatic release of the corresponding target number to adapt to the complex number rules abroad.
add: es8311 Basic loop recording demo
add: Add crypto.crc7 function
add: u8g2.CopyBuffer Function
add: gmssl.sm2 Encryption and decryption add website compatibility mode
add: gmssl.sm2 Encryption and decryption support old national standard C1C2C3
add: gmssl Add sm2 signature and signature verification to the library.
add: http The library supports authentication information in the URL.
add: Added bit64.strtoll function
add: luatos Cloud compilation supports LVGL-enabled PNG and BMP decoding
update: Improve the end processing of ymodem received files
update: gpio.debounce In mode 1, removing it is an unreasonable interruption.
update: FTP Optimize the process of waiting for data transmission
update: Update ws2812 demo,EC618 support pin direct drive
update: ymodem Compatible ymodem-1k
update: Optimize memory allocation for ftp receive files
update: Optimizing http callback download length is worth accuracy
update: Optimized secondary memory reclamation and provides interface
update: No longer a simple prompt when there is insufficient memory, but print out the usage
update: sim The card may be in arrears as a reminder.
update: Automatically turn off wdt before executing the poweroff, otherwise it will crash and restart after 20 seconds.
Compatibility changes:
No longer automatically query base station information
Impact: If the mobile.reqCellInfo function is not called, mobile.cellInfo() returns an empty array
Workaround: Call on demand or call regularly
Volume configuration for software DAC audio takes effect
audio.vol (0,50)
may not be heard clearly when using the Air780E software DAC functionSolution: Set the volume to 100 or above
Function added: Support for reading specified length
Added mcu.iomux function to support configuring uart/spi/i2c multiplexing
Added pm.ioVol function to support configuration of io voltage
New combined PSM ultra-low power mode, integrated in pm.power function
Extend the gpio.setup function, add alt_func parameters, and support configuration reuse
Extended http.request function, support for Fota and download process callback
Add a new iotcloud library to connect with cloud platforms such as Alibaba Cloud/Tencent Cloud/Huawei Cloud/Onenet
Added mobile.config function to set static network optimization
Added lora2 library to support mounting of multiple lora devices
Added the mobile.setPin function to support operations related to the PIN code of the SIM card.
Add a variety of sensors/peripheral drivers, ina226/ak8963/mpu9250/st7565, etc.
The new repl library supports direct input of lua statements from the serial port and output the results after execution.
Added adc.set library to support partial pressure setting
New demo
Low Power Demo demo/psm
DingTalk robot demo/dingding
Flying book robot demo/feishu
Cloud Platform Docking demo/iotcloud
Department standard jt808 docking demo/jt808
Recording function demo/record
virtual serial host computer demo/usb_uart
China Telecom ctwing demo/ctwing
Please refer to git’s commit log for more detailed updates.
New: mobile library adds network special configuration function
New: obtain the cellid of the current serving cell, no need to search again
New: websocket library to add sent/disconnect events
Added: http support fota
New: Tengxun Cloud demo
New: fota.file(path)
New: Mobile adds a constant in network
new: mqtt library supports qos2 message delivery
New: mqtt adds the verify parameter, which can be used to force certificate verification.
new: the sent event callback is added to the luatos usb serial port, but only represents that data is written to the underlying cache.
New: Add httpsrv
Added: TF Card Power-on Control
New: domain name resolution, if the remote_port in socket.connect is set to 0, only DNS will be performed, no connection will be made, and DNS will be returned directly after completion. ON_LINE
Optimization: Optimize cloud compilation configuration, increase uart0 release, fonts, etc.
Optimization: adjust the default size of the luat_uart_setup buffer, set the minimum value of 2k and the maximum value of 8k, to solve the problem of insufficient uart buffer in large number of scenarios, especially Air780EG uart2
Optimization: Increase the number of RX DMA buffers for UART and can be adjusted with the user’s RX buffer
Optimization: string.fromhex() filters out illegal characters
Optimization: more uniform use socket id
Optimization: It is more reasonable for LCD to clear the screen to black by default. Its main function is to avoid flower screens when displayed after initialization.
Optimization: gnss processing is transferred to lua task
Optimization: Perform gc before and after loading built-in libraries and require to peak-cut memory consumption
Optimization: Allow cid1 to set the user’s apn for dedicated network cards that cannot be activated with public network APN
Optimization: lpuart exception handling
Optimization: luatos boot print full hardware version number
Optimization: luatos uart rs485 will be forced to change to if the conversion timeout setting is less than 1ms 1ms
Optimization: luat_websocket_ping judge the connection status before sending
Optimization: Optimized luatos volume adjustment
Optimization: Improved task mailbox to reduce memory consumption
Optimized: mp3 decoder repackaged
Optimization: Speed up the allocation of local ports of the network card for hardware protocols
optimization: reduce the ram consumption of ftp
fix: lwip releases the same tcp twice with small probability
Fix: luatos wdt reinitialization failed
Fix: Fix gc9306 90 ° orientation setting error
Fix: zbuff:unpack, pack.unpack add lua virtual stack detection
Fix: luatos fetch cellinfo sometimes fails
Fix: json library will become scientific counting method when floating point numbers are 0.0.
FIX: libgnss.clear() fails to properly clear historical positioning data
FIX: Internal hardware state machine does not automatically recover after I2C read/write failure
Fix: Fix i2c1 default pin error
Repair: After the low-power serial port is turned on, there will still be interruptions when it is turned off, and the serial port will crash when it is turned off.
Fix: When uart0 outputs EPAT log, if there is clutter on rx, it may crash
Fix: http library timeout_timer has the possibility of multiple free
Fix: mqtt library setting will allow payload to be empty
Fix: Abnormal problem when http Content-Length = 0
Fix: Incorrect judgment of sntp_connect
LuatOS-SoC@EC618 V1105#
New: Add software DAC (PWM audio output) Note: This feature is not supported on the existing version development board
Fix: Rollback the difference between reading and writing integer/floating-point data in fskv library upgraded from V1103 to V1104
This version also contains V1104 modify all updates
LuatOS-SoC@EC618 V1104#
tag: v0007.ec618.v1104 date: 2023-03-13
New: Added gmssl library to support national security sm2/sm3/sm4
Added: Software uart
New: support w5500, can plug-in Ethernet module
New: uart1 automatically enables LPUART function under the conditions of 600,1200,2400,4800 and 9600 baud rates, and data reception is not lost during sleep
New: luatos adds amr encoding function
New: support iconv library
New: fatfs
New: luatos can choose to turn on powerkey anti-shake
New: luatos added cam_vcc control
New: audio.config increases the time interval for setting the closing of pa and dac after audio playback is completed, eliminating possible pop sound
New: Add base station wifi positioning demo lcsLoc.lau
New: mqtt Add Disconnect Event
New: Print prompt if script is not swiped in
New: Add the iter and next functions of the fdb/fskv library
New: Free boot download script
Optimization: adc’s id is compatible with the old 10/11 configuration
Optimization: The limit on the number of concurrent logs per user has been lifted.
Optimization: Optimize usb serial port output
Optimization: Optimize the timing of RRC release
optimization: dynamic ram allocation optimization
optimization: put interrupt service functions, high real-time functions, and some commonly used functions into ram to improve running efficiency
Optimization: uart rx uses DMA to receive in normal mode, greatly improving the stability of large data reception at high baud rates.
Optimization: luatos’ fota defense cannot be initialized because of insufficient memory
Optimization: When encountering a fake base station, quickly switch to a normal base station
Optimization: SPI open internal pull up and down to improve stability
Optimization: http ignores customizations Content-Length
Optimization: When the network encounters a fatal error, the protocol stack can be automatically restarted to recover, which needs to be turned on manually.
optimization: perfect the operation of apn activation
Optimization: http library url length is unlimited
Optimization: audio task priority increases to improve playback stability
Fix: crash in luatos socket dtls mode
Fix: Incomplete audio_play_stop Judgment
Fix: Fix the problem that the dns query interface is blocked and no return is returned in a weak network environment.
FIX: Fix luat_fs_fopen crashing when opening a path containing a non-existent directory
Fix: After the tls handshake is completed, if there is no data interaction for a period of time, it will time out.
FIX: SNTP custom domain named 3 when handling exceptions
Fix: protobuf library does not decode 64bit data correctly
Fix: duplicate miniz library constant causes dead loop when pairs
Fixed: Module type not recognized after deep sleep wake-up
ChangeLog for LuatOS@EC618 V1103#
tag: v0007.ec618.v1103 date: 2023-02-06
Note: Since the return value of the socket interface is not compatible with the previous one, the version number is hereby raised from v1002 to v1103 as a reminder.
This version is fully supported.Air780EG
New: ipv6 is supported, mobile.ipv6 needs to be called to open, but it is not opened by default. ipv6 needs to be supported when opening the card (any good ideas for this application scenario can be fed back to us)
New: Support ftp
New: Support fskv
New: libfota.lua package library, fota is simpler
New: Mobile adds IP_LOSE messages
New: mobile allows first use of power-on SIM0
New: lbsLoc.lua package library, base station positioning easier
new: sms library supports cleaning up long sms snippets sms.clearLong()
New: Add timeout parameter for http
New: Added rtc.timezone function
New: Recording function
new: sms library supports disabling automatic merging of long sms
New: i2s callback and asynchronous receive function
New: Add mlx90614 driver
new: add a new ram file system
Added: pm.lastReson() More detailed boot reasons are available
New: Support gtfont
New: Support for user-defined APN and activation
Optimization: 485 waiting for sending to complete
Optimization: USB virtual serial port single transmission length is no longer limited 512
Optimization: SPI underlying driver optimization, enable DMA
Optimization: I2C underlying driver optimization
Optimization: UART underlying driver optimization
Optimization: Adjust the code of the iotauth library so that it does not use static memory, adjust the default timestamp, and correct the length of the output key.
Modified: GPIO14/15 maps to ALT 4 of PAD 13/14, thus avoiding conflicts with UART0
Modification: return value of socket interface specification (incompatible with previous version, important!!!!!)
Fix: udp receive will have memory leak
Fix: http library does not support customization Host
fix: sntp custom address table handling exception
Fix: fota only updates scripts and has a probability of failure when it is very young.
Fix: sms library judges errors when correcting multiple long short messages
fix: sms library receives multiple long short messages in a row and the order is out of order, the content of short messages is merged incorrectly.
Fix: rx callback for virtual UART
Fix: If qos = 0 when the mqtt library publish messages, the returned pkgid is unreasonable and should be fixed 0
Fix: Incomplete UDP Receive Data
Fix: rtc library is not implemented correctly
fix: http chunk encoding exception Is the firmware file, the other two are the underlying source code, no need to download. ** Air780EG Test positioning effect_match public number article. zip **is used to test Air780EG positioning effect