Air780EPVH Additional instructions#
Air780EPVH is a variant of Air780EPV, adding gnss/gps and codec
Support GNSS/GPS, namely satellite navigation function
Built-in audio codec 8311, support MIC/SPK input and output
GNSS/GPS Function introduction#
The GNSS chip used is HD8128
The power supply control is GPIO17, and the standby power supply pin is GPIO23
26M output needs to be turned on
GNSS The chip is connected to UART2, and as of 2024.5.25, the default baud rate is 9600, which may be corrected later.115200
csdk Method to Open 26M Output
luat_mcu_xtal_ref_output(1, 0);
luatos The method of opening 26M output requires firmware compiled after 2024.5.25
mcu.XTALRefOutput(true, false)
GPS command to switch baud rate to 115200, sent to GNSS chip via UART