Message Bus#
Basic information#
Date of drafting: 2019-11-25
Designer: wendal
Why you need a message bus#
The bottom layer is rtos, and the lua virtual machine runs in a thread.
rtos It is required that a thread must give up cpu resources when it is idle, and cannot implement
delay in an endless loop.
lua Single-threaded execution, not friendly to
operationTimer/GPIO interrupt/UART data entry/network data entry, all belong to
Through the way of message bus, let the
information exist in the way of producer, withrtos.receive
as the consumer.
Design ideas and boundaries#
Involving only the collection and disbursement of messages
Use a fixed-size message body to save memory resources
data structure#
The message body exists in 4-byte alignment.
struct rtos_msg {
luat_msg_hanlder handler;
void* ptr;
} rtos_msg;
#define LUAT_MSGBUS_ITEMCOUNT ((size_t)0xFF)
Among them
handler Message callback function
ptr Message payload, determined by specific message type
void luat_msgbus_init(void);
void* luat_msgbus_data();
uint32_t luat_msgbus_put(struct rtos_msg* msg, size_t timeout);
uint32_t luat_msgbus_get(struct rtos_msg* msg, size_t timeout);
uint32_t luat_msgbus_freesize(void);
Send Message#
uint32_t luat_msgbus_put(rtos_msg* msg, size_t timeout);
uint32_t luat_msgbus_get(rtos_msg* msg, size_t timeout);
uint32_t luat_msgbus_freesize(void);
Luat Debugging API#
The following API is used for debug and may not be implemented. This module does not provide users for the time being.Lua API
-- Gets the length of the remaining current queue
rtos.msgbus_current_size() -- Returns a numeric value
-- Get all messages in the queue, which may be empty.
rtos.msgbus_list() -- Return [[msgtype, msgdata], ...]
-- Empty Queue
rtos.msgbus_clear() -- No Return
-- Put in a message
rtos.msgbuf_send(msgtype, msgdata) -- No Return
How to use msgbus#
Take a chestnut:
// This function is located in luat_gpio_rtt.c and belongs to the platform-specific implementation
// C layer, the interrupt function called by rtt/freertos/vendor rtos
// Its function is to receive interrupts, package them as rtos_msg objects and submit them to msgbus queue.
int luat_gpio_callback(void *ptr) {
rtos_msg msg;
luat_gpio_t *gpio = (luat_gpio_t *)ptr; // When registering a callback function, you can usually pass a custom parameter.
msg.handler = gpio->hanlder; // The handler here is the l_gpio_handler method mentioned below.
msg.ptr = ptr; // Pass the data too.
luat_msgbus_put(&msg, 0); // msg The data of will be copied to msgbu, so just pass the pointer directly.
// This function is located in luat_lib_gpio.c and is a generic implementation
int l_gpio_handler(LuaState *L, void *ptr){
luat_gpio_t *gpio = (luat_gpio_t *)ptr;
lua_pushinteger(L, MSG_GPIO); // Only msgid is filled in here, instead of logical judgment written in rtos.recv
lua_pushinteger(L, gpio->pin);
lua_pushinteger(L, gpio->dist);
return 3;
// rtos.recv wait for the arrival of the new msg, then execute msg.handler(msg.ptr)
// while 1 do
// local msgid, dataA, dataB = rtos.recv(0)
// handlers[msgid](dataA, dataB)
// This is the case inside rtos.recv
Relevant knowledge points#
Luat core mechanism