Method of use#

Acquisition method#

  1. Through co-disk, selectโ€™ PC simulatorโ€™ to download

  2. Self-compiled, source code address need to be compiled with LuatOS main library

Operation mode#


  • windows Platform, directly double-click โ€˜luatos-pc.exeโ€™ to run

  • linux platform, run directly ./luatos-pc

Script Run#

This method executes โ€œsingle scriptโ€ and โ€œmulti-directory executionโ€ in two ways, which need to be operated under the command line.

Take the windows platform as an example, first enter the console and switch to the current directory.

Single script run:

luatos-pc.exe main.lua
luatos-pc.exe test\001.helloworld\main.lua

Multi-Directory Run:

luatos-pc.exe test\001.helloworld\  ..\LuatOS\scrips\libs\