Basic information#

  • Date of drafting:2020-01-14

  • Designer:[freestrong @ Snail]

Why you need WLAN middleware management WIFI#

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things, more and more embedded devices are equipped with WIFI wireless network devices. In order to manage WIFI network devices, RT-Thread introduces a WLAN device management framework. This framework has many functions to control and manage WIFI, and provides many conveniences for developers to use WIFI devices.

Design ideas and boundaries#

  • Manage and abstract Wlan’s C API, providing a set of Lua API for user code to call

Relevant knowledge points#

C API(Platform layer)#

#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_OPEN             0x00
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_PSK          0x01
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WEP_SHARED       0x02
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPA_TKIP_PSK     0x03
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPA_AES_PSK      0x04
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK     0x05
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2_TKIP_PSK    0x06
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPA2_MIXED_PSK   0x07
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPS_OPEN         0x08
#define Luat_WLAN_SECURITY_WPS_SECURE       0x09

#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_READY                 0x01
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_DONE             0x02
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_REPORT           0x03
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_STA_CONNECTED         0x04
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_STA_CONNECTED_FAIL    0x05
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_STA_DISCONNECTED      0x06
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_AP_START		        0x07
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_AP_STOP               0x08
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATED         0x09
#define Luat_WLAN_EVT_AP_DISASSOCIATED      0x0A

/* Network */
int luat_wlan_set_stanet(luat_wlan_net_t * net)    //Set the network information of the STA
luat_wlan_net_t luat_wlan_get_stanet(void)         //Obtain the network information of a STA.

int luat_wlan_set_apnet(luat_wlan_net_t * net)     //Set the network information of the AP
luat_wlan_net_t luat_wlan_get_apnet(void)          //Obtaining Network Information of an AP

/* WLAN Connection */
int luat_wlan_connect(luat_wlan_info_t *info);	    //Connection hotspot
int luat_wlan_is_ready(void);	                    //Get Ready Flag
luat_wlan_info_t luat_wlan_get_info(void);          //Get connection information
int luat_wlan_get_rssi(void);	                    //Get signal strength

/* WLAN Scan */
luat_wlan_info_t luat_wlan_scan_with_info(void);    //Scan

/* WLAN Hot spot */
int luat_wlan_start_ap(luat_wlan_info_t);           //Start Hotspot
int luat_wlan_ap_is_active(void);                   //Get Startup Flag
int luat_wlan_ap_stop(void);                        //Stop Hotspot
luat_wlan_info_t luat_wlan_ap_get_info(void);       //Obtain hotspot information.
luat_wlan_info_t luat_wlan_ap_get_stainfo(void);    //Get Station information about connected hotspots

/* WLAN Event Callback */
int luat_wlan_register_event_handler(int evt);      //Event Registration
int luat_wlan_unregister_event_handler(int evt));   //Unregister

/* WLAN Power Management */
int luat_wlan_set_powersave(int level);             //Sets the power consumption level for station mode.
int luat_wlan_get_powersave(void);                  //Get Power Level


--Security mode
wlan.OPEN                        --Open security
wlan.WEP_PSK                     --WEP Security with open authentication
wlan.WEP_SHARED                  --WEP Security with shared authentication
wlan.WPA_TKIP_PSK                --WPA Security with TKIP
wlan.WPA_AES_PSK                 --WPA Security with AES
wlan.WPA2_AES_PSK                --WPA2 Security with AES
wlan.WPA2_TKIP_PSK               --WPA2 Security with TKIP
wlan.WPA2_MIXED_PSK              --WPA2 Security with AES & TKIP
wlan.WPS_OPEN                    --WPS with open securit
wlan.WPS_SECURE                  --WPS with AES security

--Register handler events for serial port events
wlan.EVT_READY                   --IP Address
wlan.EVT_SCAN_DONE	 	         --Results of the scan
wlan.EVT_SCAN_REPORT             --Scanned hotspot information
wlan.EVT_STA_CONNECTED           --Station information of successful connection
wlan.EVT_STA_CONNECTED_FAIL		 --Station information of connection failure
wlan.EVT_STA_DISCONNECTED	     --Disconnect Station information
wlan.EVT_AP_START		         --AP information on successful startup
wlan.EVT_AP_STOP		         --Information about the AP that failed to start
wlan.EVT_AP_ASSOCIATED		     --Connected Station information
wlan.EVT_AP_DISASSOCIATED        --Disconnected Station information

Lua API#

--set the network information in wifi Station mode
Use cases:
    wlan.setStaNet()                    --Start DHCP, automatically obtain ip address, subnet mask, gateway and other information
    wlan.setStaNet(ip)                  --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask:, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.1
    wlan.setStaNet(ip,net)              --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.1
    wlan.setStaNet(ip,netmask,gateway)  --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

--obtain network information in wifi Station mode
Use cases:
    local ip,netmask,gateway = wlan.getStaNet()

--Set network information in wifi AP mode
Use cases:
    wlan.setStaNet(ip)                  --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask:, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.1
    wlan.setStaNet(ip,net)              --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.1
    wlan.setStaNet(ip,netmask,gateway)  --Set ip address statically, ip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, subnet mask: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, gateway:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

--obtain network information in wifi AP mode
Use cases:
    local ip,netmask,gateway = wlan.getApNet()

--Scan for hot spots
Use cases:
    local num,info = wlan.scan()      --Scan for hot spots
    local num,info = wlan.scan(ssid)  --Scan specified ssid hotspots

--Connection hotspot
Use cases:
    wlan.connect(ssid)                  --Connect open hotspots
    wlan.connect(ssid,password)         --Hotspot for connection encryption
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,bssid)   --Connect to an encrypted hotspot with a specified MAC address
    wlan.connect(ssid,nil,bssid)        --Connect to an open hotspot with a specified MAC address

--Get information about a connection hotspot
Use cases:
    local info = wlan.getinfo()
    info.ssid      --Connection Hotspot Information ssid
    info.channel   --Channel to connect to the hotspot
    info.rssi      --Signal strength of the connection hotspot
    info.bssid     --MAC address of the connection hotspot
    info.security  --Safe mode for connecting to hotspots

--Disconnect the hot spot

--Connection status

--Get signal strength

--Create Hotspot
Use cases:
    wlan.connect(ssid)                                        --Create an open hotspot
    wlan.connect(ssid,password)                               --Create an encrypted hotspot
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,security)                      --Create a hotspot encrypted with a specified security level
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,security,channel)              --Create an encrypted hotspot with a specified channel and a specified security level
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,nil,channel)                   --Create a specified channel, encrypted hotspot
    wlan.connect(ssid,nil,nil,channel)                        --Create designated channels, develop hot spots
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,security,channel,hidden)       --Create an encrypted hotspot with the specified security level, the specified channel, and whether to broadcast the ssid
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,nil,channel,hidden)            --Specifies the channel, whether to broadcast ssid encryption hotspots
    wlan.connect(ssid,password,nil,nil,hidden)                --Specifies the channel, whether to broadcast ssid encryption hotspots
    wlan.connect(ssid,nil,nil,nil,hidden)                     --Specifies the channel, whether to broadcast ssid development hotspots

--Get information about creating a hotspot
Use cases:
    local info = wlan.getapinfo()
    info.ssid      --Connection Hotspot Information ssid
    info.channel   --Channel to connect to the hotspot
    info.rssi      --Signal strength of the connection hotspot
    info.bssid     --MAC address of the connection hotspot
    info.security  --Safe mode for connecting to hotspots
    info.hidden    --Whether to broadcast ssid

--Obtain information about a STA that joins a hotspot.
Use cases:
    local num,info = wlan.getJionApInfo()
    num             --Number of station already connected
    info[num].ip    --station the ip address
    info[num].mac   --station The MAC address.

--Status of the hotspot

--Close Hotspot

--Register interrupt function
Use cases:
    wlan.on(wlan.EVT_READY ,function() ... end)

--Sets the power consumption level for station mode.

--Get Power Level